The Tempest

William Shakespeare’s The Tempest was presented on the front steps of Staten Island’s Borough Hall from July 25 to July 28, 2013.

Directed by Ritty Mahoney

Cast and crew included: Alex Acerra, Joan Adams, Joyce Adams, Douglas R Aspinwall, Danielle Bonanno, Ted E. Boye, Kaitlin Coffey, Laura Rose Cook, Tonia Franzese, JD Glass, Doc (Chris) Graney, Ty Hamilton, Brooke Haramija, Jeremiah Jurkiewicz, Tim Kelly, Ted Lochwyn, Anthony LoGatto, Yelizaveta Lysakova, Ritty Mahoney, Adam Mazy, Bill McVey, Gary Moore, Ken Tirado, Zachariah Tirado, Zoe Tirado, Vincent Vok.